Ways That You Can Protect Your Heart Health

female medical workers checking the list

Your heart health is one of the most important things you must protect. The better you maintain your heart health, the longer you can live. Unfortunately, our susceptibility to heart disease increases as we begin to age.

Fortunately, as a high-quality free delivery pharmacy in Texas, we are here to educate you on the various lifestyle changes you may make to protect your heart health and minimize your risk of heart disease. Here are a few pointers to consider:

  • Stay physically active and maintain a healthy weight. Regular physical activity can lower your risk of developing heart disease. Even a simple 30-minute moderate-intensity workout is sufficient. Be sure to engage in cardiovascular activities regularly.
  • Avoid eating foods that are harmful to your heart. It is important to remember the foods that can be dangerous for your heart, such as foods high in sugar, salt, processed carbs, and saturated fat. Some examples are bacon, red meat, soda, and many others.
  • Eat more heart-healthy foods. One of the best examples of heart-healthy foods is green leafy vegetables. They are high in vitamins and minerals, so we recommend eating them.

LELA PHARMACY is a compounding pharmacy in San Antonio, Texas. Our mission is to provide high-quality pharmaceutical services and healthcare goods to people in our community to assist them in attaining excellent overall health.

Our offered products and services include immunizations, medical supplies, vitamins and supplements, compounding medication, and more.

We also offer Mounjaro medication at our pharmacy. To learn more about what we can offer, please don’t hesitate to contact us today at 210-348-1532.

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